Downtown revitalization is a larger term that includes downtown development - both economic and community - as well as activities designed to draw people downtown (marketing and events), strengthen existing businesses, and make it visually more attractive.
TSEP assists entrepreneurs and businesses looking to start or locate in downtown Tiffin. New businesses locating here in 2020 include:
- Ace Serenity Farm & Massage
- Healing Vines
- JAM's Monthly Markets
- Kesler & Co
- Motto Mortgage
- Renaissance Pink Lady / Party Bus
- Saull Law & Title
- The House of Beauty on Washington
- Tiffin Wireless Works
Main Street Approach
Tiffin is a state (since 2015) and nationally accredited (since 2017) Main Street community using the 4 point approach:
Create an inviting, inclusive atmosphere; celebrate historic character; foster accessible, people-centered public spaces.
Economic Vitality
Build a diverse economic base; catalyze smart new investment; cultivate a strong entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Market district’s defining assets; communicate unique features through storytelling; support buy-local experience.
Build leadership and strong organizational capacity; ensure broad community engagement; form partnerships across sectors.
$3,982,627 Total amount of public ($1.4 million) and private ($2.5 million) investments made in downtown Tiffin in 2020.
There were a number of strong marketing and business enhancement efforts underway in 2020.
We reached out to every single downtown business during the coronavirus pandemic. We held the Auction of Firsts, which raised funds for downtown businesses. We facilitated the creation of a mini-guide for downtown retailers. The Downtown Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) was established. We assisted many downtown businesses get access to Tiffin and Seneca CARES Small Business Relief Grants. We held events like the Tiffin Tales, Bunny Hop, Christmas Walk, the month-long Downtown Summit and Celebration, and the Summit Stroll, with QR codes linking to videos for several downtown establishments and projects.
A number of improvements to the overall appearance were made to the downtown in 2020.
There were 7 facade projects supported by the Facade Enhancement Grant program, and 3 additional facade projects supported by a $20,000 Heritage Ohio grant we were awarded. The Jefferson Street Streetscape project was completed, including new curb and sidewalks, decorative stamped concrete and crosswalks, decorative light poles, signage, and trees. 10
new picnic tables for outdoor seating, 10 new bike racks, and 7 cigarette containers were purchased and installed. In addition, TSEP developed a formal Request For Proposal (RFP) process the City/County could use for any downtown public property it wishes to develop.
+9 number of new businesses to open or locate in downtown Tiffin in 2020.
+10 Number of facade projects that were approved for grant funding in 2020.
+32 number of net, new jobs created in downtown Tiffin in 2020.
91% First Floor Commercial Occupancy Rate in 2020.